The mission of our company and its Scientific Board is to provide innovative, scientifically sound and effective solutions for the successful cultivation of agricultural crops using natural methods and means. The application of entomophages in biological crop protection is the key to obtaining healthy crop production and a clean environment.

Our bio-based crop protection agents are guaranteed to protect crops, plants and forests.

Borislav Boychinov

Manager and Founder of Organic Invest Bio Protection Ltd.

About the company

National Bio Entomological Laboratory for mass industrial cultivation of Trichogramma, village of Doyrentsi, municipality of. Lovech “ORGANIK INVEST BIO PROTECTION LTD.

is an enterprise of the International Institute of Organic and Precision Agriculture (IIBPA) system. It has a vast human resource of scientific and technical expertise combining traditional science and innovative modern technologies.


has the largest Scientific Council in the field of cultivation, colonization and use of bioagents, as well as the application of integrated crop protection methods on agricultural areas.

“Organik Invest Bio Protection” Ltd. offers to its customers in Bulgaria and Europe:

different types of trichogram fresh and in diapause
– different types of entomophages
– colonisation with unmanned aerial vehicles
– pheromone and light traps
– different types of packages for manual colonisation (displacement)
– consultations

The scientific and research activities of Organics Invest Bio Protection Ltd are aimed at solving a strategically important problem – the protection of plants from pests.

We have the technology for mass industrial cultivation of Trichogramma, a parasitoid less than 1 mm in size. It parasitizes eggs of over 180 butterfly species. After immunization, the trichogramma finds
the eggs of the enemies and lays in them. The larvae of the parasitoid hatch in the egg of the enemy and eat the inside

Applying innovative bio know-how and precision technologies, we have created unique end products combining different types of trichogram, special agents and colonization technology.

The various products we offer are guaranteed to protect your crops.

The secret of success

The main factors for the rapid expansion of Trichogramma (Trichogramma) production and use are:

  • High efficiency
  • Wide spectrum of action
  • Environmental
  • Easy method of displacement (colonization by aircraft)
  • Europe’s new green policies
Our company’s goal is to provide the best solutions for successful crop cultivation using natural methods and means. The application of entomophages is the key to obtaining healthy crop production and a clean environment.

Company structure

Borislav Boychinov


Alexander Stelmashchuk


Maxim Melnychuk

Director, Department of Science and Innovation

Jan Skuratov

Director of Technology Development and Production Department

Ivaylo Stoyanov

Director of Key Accounts and International Markets

Anatoly Karchev

Director Monitoring and Colonization Department

Lyudmil Stoyanov

Director Marketing Department

Vyacheslav Weitz

Chief Technologist – Entomologist

Eng. Boris Shuntov

Director of the Department of Forests, Parks and Protected Areas

Yuri Cherdakliev

Official representative Spain, Portugal


Valentin Drozd

Co-Chair of the Scientific Council

Academician Professor Dr. of Biological Sciences

Vili Kharizanova

Co-Chair of the Scientific Council

Professor at Plovdiv Agricultural University

Maxim Melnychuk

Co-Chair of the Scientific Council

Acad. National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (NAAS), Dr. of Biological Sciences, prof.

Vasil Degtyarov

Prof., Dr. of Agricultural Sciences, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Sciences for Ecology, Human Security and Nature (MANEB)

Georgi Georgiev


Institute of Forestry – BAS gr. Sofia

Margarita Georgieva

Professor, Dr.

Institute of Forestry – BAS gr. Sofia

Ivan Dyankov Pachev


Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking gr. Pleven, Agricultural Academy (SAA)

Helen Trotus

PhD, Eng.


Stefan Gandev


Institute of Horticulture gr. Plovdiv, Agricultural Academy (SAA)

Natalia Petrovska

Associate Professor

Institute of CEREALS, Academy of Agriculture (SAA)